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这个指南将帮助你区分真假新闻. 根据… survey by the Pew 研究 Center在美国,许多美国人认为假新闻对国家造成了重大伤害. 另一个 study by Stanford University 结论是,高中生不能总是区分假新闻和真新闻. 假新闻也经常在社交媒体上被分享.

A note to assistive technology users. 下面的选项卡是可访问的,即使它们出现在列表中. Access them the same way you activate a link.

  • What is 假新闻?
  • How to Spot 假新闻
  • Fact-Checking Sites
  • 资源

What is fake news?
There are four broad categories of fake news, 梅里马克学院的媒体教授梅利莎·齐姆达斯说.

一级在Facebook和社交媒体上分享的虚假、虚假或经常误导人的网站. 其中一些网站可能会通过使用扭曲的标题和脱离上下文或可疑的信息来引起愤怒,以获得点赞, shares 和 profits on social media.



四级: Satire/comedy sites, 谁能对政治和社会提供重要的批判性评论, 但有可能作为真实/文字新闻分享.

No single topic falls under a single category. 例如, 可能完全捏造虚假或误导性的医学新闻(第一类), 可能故意曲解事实或歪曲数据(第二类), 可能准确或部分准确,但使用危言耸听的标题来引起你的注意(第三类),或者可能是对现代医学实践的批评(第四类)。. Some articles fall under more than one category. 这取决于你做跑腿的工作,以确保你的信息是好的.

Why should you care?

1: You deserve the truth. 你足够聪明,可以自己做决定——只要你面前有真实的事实. 当你读到假新闻时,你完全有权利感到被侮辱, 因为从本质上说,你被当成了白痴.

2: Fake news destroys your credibility. If your arguments are built on bad information, 在未来,人们很难相信你.

3: Fake news can hurt you, 和 a lot of other people. Bogus data was used to link vaccines with autism, igniting an anti-vaccine campaign. 一张照片 misidentifying the alleged perpetrator 2018年帕克兰校园枪击案在社交媒体和互联网上传播, 引发了一波针对照片中的个人的网络骚扰, who was not involved with the shooting. 这些网站访问量很大,它们的谎言很危险.

4: Real news can benefit you. If you want to buy stock in a company, 你想要阅读有关该公司的准确文章,这样你才能明智地投资. If you are planning on voting in an election, 你想要尽可能多地阅读关于候选人的信息,这样你就可以投票给最能代表你的想法和信仰的人. 假新闻不会帮你赚钱,也不会让世界变得更美好,但真正的新闻可以.

改编自 假新闻 (印第安纳大学东校区图书馆),根据a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Tips for spotting fake news

  1. Read beyond the headline.
    假新闻网站经常使用吸引眼球的标题. Read the entire story.
  2. 调查这个故事出现的网站或来源.
    What is its mission? Who is the publisher? Is it a respected news outlet? Or is it a personal website or blog? Pay attention to the URL. Some websites ending in “com.“Co”实际上是合法新闻网站的假版本.
  3. Check the author.
    Do a Google search or check LinkedIn. Is the author credible? What are his/her credentials?
  4. Look at the sources.
    文章是否引用了外部来源来支持其主张? Are they trustworthy?
  5. 检查日期.
    这篇文章是否采用了一个旧故事,但给它一个新的标题,假装它刚刚发生? Click through the links to find the actual date.
  6. Beware of bias including your own.
    这篇文章是否偏向于某一特定观点? 你更有可能相信它只是因为它加强了你自己的信念吗?
  7. Do other news sites or outlets report the same story?
    If not, it’s probably fake.
  8. 这是个玩笑吗??
  9. 问专家.
    和一个 图书管理员 or consult a fact-checking site.

What does non-fake news look like?

Michael Schnudson, a professor at the Columbia Journalism School, 确定新闻品质的下列指标:

  1. Willingness to retract, 正确的, 并及时或含蓄或明确地为错误陈述道歉.
  2. 精度.
  3. An interest in contrary evidence.
  4. 不要理会这个故事的政治含义.
  5. Be calm 和 declarative. No hyperventilating.
  6. 如果一个话题是有争议的,在一个故事中呈现多个立场或观点.
  7. Identify your sources whenever possible.
  8. Use commonly accepted data 和 reliable authorities.
  9. 追寻与你的直觉相反的证据和线索, 激情, 和 preferences 和, when the evidence pans out, give it appropriate attention in your story.

For a discussion, see Michael Schudson. "Here's What Non-假新闻 Looks Like." Columbia Journalism Review2月23日. 2017.



避免假新闻,只使用你知道有信誉的消息来源. 不要依赖TikTok、Facebook或X(以前的Twitter)等社交媒体网站。. Reputable news sources include the Associated Press路透.

You can also search OPE电子竞技官网's library 数据库 其中包含来自数千个经过审查的来源的文章.



Is that image or video real or fake?




假新闻 in the News

  • 假新闻 (articles from the OPE电子竞技官网 图书馆's 数据库).

